One of the best and worst parts of having any form of popularity on the internet. This applies to videogames, movies, youtubers, artists, porn, and basically everything else.
The fanbase is the sum total of all a persons fans good, bad, and otherwise.
While the positive portions of the fanbase often outweigh the negative it can become irritating for yourself and others when your own fans are constantly harassing another persons fans or each other for essentially no reason.
Fans provide the vital service of spreading your name around for others to hear and come to enjoy your stuff much in the same way religious fans never shut up about how you should join there church and talk about there imaginary friend in the sky.
On the other side of this idea however you have the fans who spread your work like the crusades, by destroying, demeaning, or getting butthurt over everything/one remotely similar to your own work.
Friday, 31 July 2015
How to know your Personality by Your Vacation Destination
1. Tropical Beach Island
You love to relax and are definitely laid back. You’re what most people would describe as “chill” because you don’t need much activity to make you happy, just sun, sand, and beautiful blue water.
2. Lake House In The Mountains
You are earthy and appreciate the beauty of nature. You love to be surrounded by trees and are not afraid to get a little dirty. Bugs definitely don’t scare you, and hiking is an ideal form of exercise. You most likely are into all things natural: hair, clothes, makeup, food. You are all about the balance of body and mind.
3. European City
You are classy and cultured. You love to learn about the history of places you’ve never been to, and you don’t mind having a little luxury while doing so. You feel that wining and dining while enhancing your knowledge is bound to make you a better person.
4. Exotic European Beach Town
You enjoy the finer things in life. You love to have a good time, but you do so with eloquence and poise. You will attend a party on a yacht, but you’re not going to get trashed and take your top off, unless you’re at a sophisticated topless European beach.
5. 7-10 Day Cruise
You need to know what’s happening next. You like to have a schedule and you prefer to stick to it. When you don’t have a definite plan you become anxious and uneasy.
6. Mexican Beach
You’re wild. You love to party and you basically live by the saying, “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.” You are extremely social and always up for meeting new people, especially if it means doing shots with them.
7. Thailand And East Asia
You are spiritual and curious. You know how to be mindful and like to maintain an inner peace. You are the type of person who remains calm in a situation of chaos, and you respond well to others who may not be so cool and collected.
8. Road Trip
You are spontaneous. You live in the moment and don’t let the future or past sway your present judgment. You don’t necessarily need a plan of where you’re going, you just need a map to know where you are.
9. Jungle Safari
You love adventure and exploration. You’re somewhat of a dare devil and you’ll try anything once. Nothing scares you, and you have a confidence that other people envy.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
STREET CREDIBILITY... Lyrically Something! Dance Stunts. & More
If you hear THUG, what would you do?
Well, there's no cause for alarm, this is a movement coming to you from the stable of "This House Under God" led by JazzyB (A Radically focused Youth Leader).
JazzyB and some the T.H.U.G members.
You wouldn't want to be told as Dj Breeze wheels his steel to the street to What Ya Say by DizzyMbata, Olatundun has something new for you. B'Blend delivery will be outahere. Josh and Finny will surprise you. The Swagger of Mike Obot, Irene & Success and others will make you appreciate the street.
The Combo of the Hottest Dance Groups in largest city in the nation will thrill you with their stunts, So, come and see " The Xpandables" and "The Cymbals".
August 2nd, 2015 - 4 O'Clock
@FunPlanet, Oluyole Estate, Sharp Corner, Ibadan.
Call/Whatsapp: 08034003546 for more enquiries.
JazzyB & the 'LandLords.
STREET CREDIBILITY = Commanding a level of respect in an urban environment due to experience in or knowledge of issues affecting those environments.
Sunday, 26 July 2015
Seeing a lot of press kits/media kits (these days, the terms are pretty much used interchangeably) that could really use some love.
Yes, you need a media kit:
There are lots of ways beyond sending out a media release to drive media coverage. But a good media kit is critical – you have to be able to give them content they can use when they reach out.
We’ve used media coverage to help land investment, sponsorship, endorsement and distribution deals. The right media coverage can be a driver of action and change for your organization.
But only if you can attract media attention and then give the media what they need to run with your story.
What needs to be in your media kit:
1. Great broadcast quality high-definition video
2. Great high-resolution pictures of product and key people
3. Any additional art, for example, high-res logos etc.
4. Media release
5. FAQ, Fact Sheet, Backgrounder and One Page
6. Bios
7. Interviews – Q & A on video
Have an awesome video
Every media outlet relies on strong visuals now. Even radio. Most media organizations are repurposing content for their web channels so if you have strong video, you’re covering two channels with one.
But there are other reasons why video is important. People remember things that they see and hear much more than things they read or only hear. Video is among your most powerful tools. We’ve driven national stories out of things people said wouldn’t go anywhere just by having a super strong video.
Your video needs to be worthy of broadcast. That means it needs to:
1. Have great b-roll to pull from. B-roll is visually stimulating video that work well with an announcer talking over it:
1. The video needs to have ambient sound from the event or the circumstance. It can even have music, but at least some of your video (the b-roll portion) should not have any talking. They can’t run someone talking under an announcer talking and they won’t run video of someone with their lips moving and nothing coming out
2. Footage must be high definition since stations no longer broadcast in analogue.
3. Video must keep moving. Television shows cut to a new angle on average every 3 seconds or so. Our brains are accustomed to movement within scenes. Your video needs to do the same.
4. Only feature materials you have the right to use.
2. Everything and everyone needs to be cleared.
3. You don’t need to have secured broadcast rights – that’s not necessary for editorial.
4. But you do need to have waivers signed for anyone in the videos
5. Ensure you have the rights for any pictures, music and any other asset you might use.
6. Have compelling scenes or fragments of 15 to 30 seconds that can be pulled and run to help forward your point on their own without any explanation or set up. By way of example, this video about childhood cancer we did gave media lots to work with both in terms of b-roll and in terms of ready-made clips they could pull to frame our story.
7. Your video should tell a story and not just list facts or tell people what you want them to learn. Talking heads are boring and not media friendly.
7. On Camera Q and A:
1. This is shot as if done by a television station
2. It lets a television or video outlet run your answers cutting in their anchor asking the questions
3. You additionally need to provide the questions that their anchor should ask with the video in an accompanying document
4. You can shoot it as:
1. a double ender (in which case your executive speaks directly into a camera as if it is being done via satellite, which excuses the likely discrepancy between your set and theirs)
2. an over the shoulder which is the more accepted angle but might leave your set and theirs looking incongruous
3. you can provide both
5. Q and A video like this isn’t as important as your storytelling video is but still useful if you have time and resources. At last year’s CES, the largest consumer electronics tradeshow in the world, I was asked for this piece a number of times.

Amazing pictures:
Your photos need to captivate people. They need to:
1. be high res and as big as possible. You can always make them smaller after; you can’t go back and make them bigger.
2. have energy. Wherever you can, incorporate movement and context into some of your shots. Reinforce the character and values of your brand by where and how you shoot its people. Yes, you’ll still need some more traditional shots but the ones that will capture attention and win hearts are the offbeat ones so budget time and money for some of those too.
3. not be wooden. Headshots should have a spark of humanity and personality. Try for something that gives a glimpse into who the person is without making them dismissible. It’s a delicate balance – but an important one
4. have shots available in PNG, JPEG and, where appropriate, also EPS, particularly for product shots.
5. ensure you have some product shots on a white background and close up. Get a variety of angles that will look good on Amazon and in the pages of a magazine. Again, the highest resolution and biggest photos you can manage are critical to anything print.
6. speak to your personas, in other words, the people you serve. Think of who you’re trying to reach and create pictures that will speak to them
Other art and logos
Having other art can be really helpful:
1. You need to be able to provide your logo, preferably in EPS format but also have in PNG and JPEG.
2. Use user generated (cleared of course) materials where you can for anything product related.
1. It’s one thing to show them what your product created in the studio with hours of fiddling but media (and everyone else too!) love to see what real people have created.
2. Sharing the work of real people who have created or accomplished something using your product is also an amazing opportunity to do some community building.
3. Make sure they’re comfortable sharing their story with media, though, before using.
Media release:
Most people call them press releases but historically press releases were just for print outlets, not other media whereas media releases spoke to all media. Boy, I could write a book on what makes a great media release (now THERE’S an idea) but for now, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Your headline needs to be engaging and give clear meaning to what the media release is about.
2. Your opening line needs to completely captivate the journalist and give them a reason to keep reading. You need some kind of angle that is unique and newsworthy.
3. You need links in your release to your online media kit, your website, bios and anything else of interest.
4. You need to get the critical who, what, where and when out in the first paragraph.
5. Make sure you have a NOTE TO EDITOR in big block letters either at the very top of your release or at the bottom under the release itself that tells editors what assets (art, video, interviews etc.) are available to them.
6. Technically, your quote should go in the third paragraph and your endorsement quote should go in the 5th.
1. quotes should not be boring and of the “We are pleased to announce” variety. Nobody cares that you are pleased. Stand out by having meaningful quotes that are memorable and sound conversational. Journalists love using those.
2. endorsement quotes are awesome. Having an influencer say great things about you is so much more impressive than you saying great things about yourself.
7. Keep it to a page where you can, although, if you do have a lot of information or some compelling background then by all means go over. But no one wants two pages of fluff.
8. Speak in active, short sentences. People trust what they don’t have to think about. Don’t make anyone have to work hard to understand what you’re trying to say.
9. Don’t use acronyms or jargon.
10. Make sure you have a boilerplate. It’s the last paragraph that sums up who you are, what you do, why you’re different, what you stand for, etc. Most feel like they were written decades ago and use meaningless, empty jargon. Yours should sound human and offer a compelling story.
11. Make sure your contact information is easily found.
1. On a printed page or digital copy on a jump drive, it’s often better to have it at the top so journalists can refer back to it quickly.
2. By email, I put my info at the bottom because their most likely action is to hit respond meaning they know how to reach me easily. Also, you have such a short moment to grab their interest, that top real estate is best used by some compelling copy.
Use story. Old-fashioned media releases were all about facts but a compelling, short story about how the product came to be or how it saved a real user from some problem they were having gets attention. What you are saying must be true – don’t confuse story with lies. But a media release just filled with facts will likely languish.
FAQ, Fact Sheet, Backgrounder and One Page:
Media love being able to pick up fast facts and answers quickly. FAQ’s, Fact Sheets, Backgrounders and One Pages all do that in different ways. There are similarities between them and differences. Sometimes you only need one of these. Sometimes you need all four.
Let’s talk about what all of these need to do and then just look at the differences of each one and when and how you might use them. The goal of each of these is to help media better understand. What they all have in common:
Like in everything in good PR, skip the jargon.
Assume whomever reading it doesn’t know your industry and explain everything in plain English.
Take note of questions you’ve been asked by other journalists, customers, investors and stakeholders and provide those facts/answers where appropriate.
Very much like it sounds, an FAQ presents frequently asked questions along with their answers. This can and should be very conversational and helpful. You can even position it as an interview with an executive which gives media more quotes to work with.
Fact Sheet:
A fact sheet bullet points key facts media should know. It often includes technical specs (although you can have another sheet with nothing but technical specs) and other nuts and bolts facts about the product, the company, an issue or all of the above, for example, in a product recall.
A good backgrounder gives greater insight into your company, your product or the issues your raise or the reason your services are so vital. You can link to studies and go more in-depth into the history that has lead up to his moment.
Ironically, not every One-Page is a one page but you should try and keep yours to one page if you can. It is a high-level look at the company or a product and gives people the most important things they need to understand in order to write about you, a product or an issue. It’s essential in television show launches and, in those cases, usually beautifully designed.
Bios should bring your executives to life. It should tell a story. Most established brands write the most God-awful, boring bios about their executives and puff them up to the point where they feel insincere and removed.
I would challenge you to write a more human bio. You might include their origin story and other details that make them human.
While it goes against convention and what many would say is best practice, I often encourage writing bios in the first person. It builds an affinity and a relationship more quickly, and particularly startups and other disruptors can afford to play with artifice in setting themselves apart.
Make your media kit available:
1. On your website
2. On a branded jumpdrive – yes, media still love to get those at events; it makes their lives easy.
Make sure it has your logo and contact info on it so they can quickly identify what’s yours.
At the end of a tradeshow, for example, they’ll throw everything down onto the bed. It’s an easy reminder of your story. If you just tell them about it and give them a URL to go to, you’re going to have to compete with dozens of others to be the few that jump to the front of his or her memory.
3. At least pieces of it should be available in paper form at media events and tradeshows. The number of times in the last year that media have thanked me profusely for being the only person on a tradeshow floor able to actually hand them a press release is staggering.
4. In Brandfolder. We love its elegance and simplicity and how beautifully it lays everything out including your videos, pictures and bios. You can also include your boilerplate and other stand-alone bits of messaging copy for media to pickup and run with.
5. In Dropbox.
There you have it:
Don’t feel overwhelmed. Pick away as you can.
Start with a media release, compelling pictures and, when you’re ready, a great video that gives insight into your values through effective storytelling. Build the rest as you can and be fearless in your storytelling and rigorous in your truthfulness.
Give the media what they need to tell your story. They can’t do it without you.
Saturday, 25 July 2015
Following the arrival of the American President, Barack Obama in his home country Kenya yesterday, I decided to reveal what I saw. Though, it might not be a news to many, but the details of the vehicle dedicated to the president of United States of america is worthy of note to me.
Check the brief below...
The arrival of the vehicle at Kenya International Airport
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Monday, 20 July 2015
Omo Yoruba ni mi o...Swagger!!
Met Police now demands that anyone wanting to join must speak a second language...and Yoruba is one of the languages.
If you want to join the UK Metropolitan police now, you must be able to speak a second language in addition to English - at least one out of 14 languages and Yoruba is one of them. The police say this is because 300 languages are spoken in London
UK Daily Mail reports
UK Daily Mail reports
Scotland Yard has come under fire today after placing an advert demanding that anyone wanting to join as a police officer be able to speak a second language. The Metropolitan Police wants to bolster the number of officers able to speak and understand 14 languages which are widely used across London. But the move has sparked criticism from a former officer and members of the public on Twitter.
Retired Met Police officer Chris Hobbs wrote: 'I've kept reading and re-reading it. Can't believe it. What about potential BME (black and minority ethnic) recruits who only speak English.'
He added: 'Won't this also adversely affect the recruitment of guys and girls from the black community whom we would like to see more of?'
After Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe set an ambitious target of having 40 per cent of all officers from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds, only 18 per cent met that criteria when the latest intake passed out in March.
According to a report published by the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee in December 2014, before the most recent recruitment campaign, only 11 per cent of officers serving in the Met were from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic background, compared with approximately 40 per cent of the population of London. The current BME figure in the Met is now 12 per cent.
Members of the public also appeared less than enthusiastic about the new initiative.
Simon Holdaway tweeted: 'The Met's lack of understanding of the problems it faces is stunning', while another user wrote: 'the lunatics have finally overtaken the asylum.'
Meanwhile, Carole Hawkins tweeted: 'For £19,000 a year, this country is now getting really stupid.'
Saturday, 18 July 2015
5 Things You'll Never Hear From a Successful Entrepreneur
5 Things You'll Never Hear From a Successful Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes, from a great diversity of backgrounds and with a great diversity of different philosophies and approaches. This is evident in the spread of company cultures and growth trajectories among startups.
Considering this, if you ask 10 entrepreneurs what the most important factors for entrepreneurial success are, you’ll probably get 10 different answers.
Nevertheless, there are fundamental qualities that almost every successful entrepreneur shares in common. They are passionate, imaginative and undaunted by the inevitable challenges of starting a business from scratch. That’s why you’ll never hear a successful entrepreneur say one of these five things:
1. "I don’t want to hear it."
The most successful entrepreneurs are open to new ideas and inspiration no matter where they come from. They’re willing to listen to customer complaints and incorporate that feedback into later models. They’re open to talk with mentors and peers about different approaches and different ways of doing things. They’re eager to hear from their teams to discover new perspectives about the challenges faced by the business.
Listening to others’ thoughts and opinions, even if you don’t agree with them, is essential for achieving any kind of meaningful growth. Our individual perspectives are limited, no matter how much we’d like to think otherwise. Entrepreneurs who are open-minded enough to hear others out tend to be far more successful than those who aren’t.
2. "That’s impossible."
Possibility is relative. What might be impossible to one group of people in one set of circumstances might be entirely possible to another. When someone says “that’s impossible,” what they often mean is “I’m not capable of doing this right now.”
Successful entrepreneurs don’t view the world with this type of artificial limitation. Instead of seeing how a challenge can be overcome by their current abilities and current resources, they think of how it can be overcome by any possible set of abilities or resources.
For example, if something is “impossible” in the moment, the successful entrepreneur might imagine that it’s not impossible with the addition of two new team members and an extra week added to the timeline. Alternative solutions drive innovation, and successful entrepreneurs are always willing to experiment to get the results they want.
3. "It’s good enough."
Some people stroll through their entire careers with a “good enough” mentality -- they put in just enough effort to see a favorable result, and make decisions based on minimum criteria for success. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this. For most people in most careers, good enough really does mean good enough.
But in entrepreneurship, competition is much fiercer and you’re in far greater control of your own destiny. Too many competitors and volatile factors are bearing down on you for you to settle for anything. When you first launch your core business, or your core product, your mind will be racing with ways you can improve upon it. Even after years and multiple generations, you’ll still be driven to experiment and find ways to improve. This constant denial of satisfaction can be maddening, but it’s what drives these entrepreneurs to success.
4. "I’m too busy."
Most people don’t know the meaning of “busy” until they get started as an entrepreneur. You’ll be wearing so many hats, taking on so many different responsibilities, and making so many decisions each day you won’t know what to do with yourself. But at the same time, you’ll be exhilarated to be in such a position.
To successful entrepreneurs, the position of business owner isn’t a burden -- it’s a thrill. It’s not a job -- it’s a passion. There will be moments where you feel overwhelmed, of course, but if you’re truly committed to what you do, you’ll never be “too busy” for that extra conversation or that one additional responsibility.
5. "I give up."
There will be times when you question whether you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, and times when you question whether all your sacrifices are worth it. There will be challenges you face that will threaten to collapse your entire business. This is normal.
It is part of the process, and the successful entrepreneurs of the world are the ones who encountered these moments and decided to keep going. The minute you give up, on your business or entrepreneurship in general, your journey is over and there’s no going back.
Entrepreneurial success starts with the right frame of mind. You have to have an innate drive and a passion for what you do, and you can’t let the unavoidable complexities and trials of business ownership get in the way of your ultimate vision. Take inspiration from these taboo phrases and set your own course for entrepreneurship. Just don’t let your doubts get the better of you.
Comedian LAFUP tears down the stage in United States at Comedy Show #LWKMD
Sunny shine day is Dallas Texas at the annual
Comedy Tour LWKMD hosted by USA based comedy Jedi who played host to Best
of comedy big wit from Africa. This the line up of comic where
outstandingly crazy withComedian like Bash, Lolo 1 of Wazobiafm, and of course the
Maltina Dance all Tv Co-Host and Star Music Host, Lafup!
The show opened with Ajebo of Naija FM
and and of course the build up kicked up from there. The audience were no doubt in high
spirit ready for some raw and real comedy from home by the international Stars. One
would think after the intermission, the show would probably maintain a snaily pace
till the end not until the lanky lad in this clean-tailored
Agbada with a bottonaires,never been worn like that I must say, made his
entrances calm and royal showed up with only one thing in mind, to crack the ribs
of the entire audience at the Uptown Theatre. Dishing out cool and clean crazily
funny original jokes from his experience in Ibadan and those of New York city.
The audience were literally rolling on their seats
all through his time of performance on stage. There is cleary no
doubt this a Comedian who knows and loves his job and already a master of
this new terrain. One would think he is an American based comic with his
eloquence, vast knowledge and skillful impression of the various social-cultural
blends America. He’s spontaneity were off the hook, and his stage presence was everything
to write home about. With his
out-of-the-box performance in Washington DC and Dallas
, it is clear Lafup is up for the
very big stage.
Lafup had a real “five on it” he brought Apollo home to Dallas I must say. To see picture
and short clips of his performance from the 2015 tour search #lafup #LWKMD2015 #AFRICANRISING or
Friday, 17 July 2015
Top 10 Most Innovative Countries in the World
These are the most innovative countries in the world.
Technological innovation is the key to a competitive and growing economy, unlocking major productivity gains and allowing companies to move towards higher value-added activities.
The World Economic Forum’s annual Global Competitiveness Report evaluates 144 of the world’s economies on various measures of innovation – including the quality of scientific research institutions and spending on R&D – to produce an overall global ranking.
The NETWORK Nigeria Conference 2015
It's FREE to be at the Biggest gathering of Creative Entrepreneurs in Nigeria - THE NETWORK.
Just register on
The event which is scheduled to hold on July 20th, 2015 by 10:00am at Royal Event Center, 103/105, Obafemi Awolowo Way, Ikeja, Lagos
The Network 2015 is tagged: ENTREPRENEURIAL EDGE & MASTERY.
WHY ATTEND? theNETWORK Conference brings together the digital creative industry in Nigeria. Participants will have the opportunity to meet top professionals in the digital creative industry; ask questions, exchange ideas, and network with colleagues.
WHO CAN ATTEND? C.E.O, Business Developers, Entrepreneurs, TV Producers, Art Directors, Account Managers, Movie Producers and directors, Graphic Design Professionals, Creative Writers, Photojournalists, Digital Artists, Copy Writers, Script Writers, etc.
HIGHLIGHTS: This event will attract over 1,000 creative professionals in the digital creative community in Nigeria – the biggest gathering of its kind! Also, theNETWORK features a digital exhibition of works from top professionals in the Creative Industry.
It's an opportunity to have young and creative practitioners from the Graphics, Animation, Advertising, Make Up, Fashion, Web Design, Photography and Printing sub-industries converge. It's a level platform for all creative professionals to exhibit and discuss their portfolios, meet and network, with no socio-economic barrier.
It's the pedestal to acquire more knowledge of and to explore existing interrelated industries that share joint demand and supply potentials with the Graphics industry. A step in the right direction towards collectively brainstorming and solving the inherent problems facing creative professionals.
There will be Sessions: Interactive and Syndicate Sessions.
The NETWORK Conference is organized yearly by Abinibi Multimedia.
Which of these drinks would you drink more??? Lol.
This is #ImageProjection #NigeriaBanks #IfBanksWereDrinks
Thursday, 16 July 2015
‘AliBabaInXX' - AliBaba In Excess Show
The King of Comedy and award winning Comedian AliBaba is putting finishing touches to his new TV show which will hit the screens soon.
The late night show tagged ‘AliBabaInXX (Ali Baba in Excess) would air from 10:30-11:30pm on a yet to be revealed TV station.
If you remember ‘Tom, Dick and Ali’ during his early days as a Comedian, you would agree with me that the best of successful Alleluyah Akpobome is yet to be seen. Watch this space.
Monday, 13 July 2015
Happy Birthday to Wole Soyinka
Professor Akinwande Oluwole "Wole" Babatunde Soyinka born 13 July 1934 is a Nigerian playwright and poet. He was awarded the 1986 Nobel Prize in Literature, the first African to be honored.
Happy Birthday Prof.
Happy Birthday Kongi.
Thursday, 9 July 2015
Same people in both pictures?
Can you recognise the man in black headtie in picture above?
Let's hear your view. Please, drop your comment.
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
The Father of the Quality Evolution - Dr. W. Edwards Deming
Dr. W. Edwards Deming: The Father of the Quality Evolution.
Dr. Deming was the towering intellect and leading personality of the quality revolution.
He was an eminent scholar and teacher in American academia for more than half a century. He published hundreds of original papers, articles and books covering a wide range of interrelated subjects—from statistical variance, to systems and systems thinking, to human psychology. He was a trusted consultant to influential business leaders, powerful corporations and governments around the world. This includes inspiring and guiding the spectacular rise of Japanese industry after World War II, and the resurgence of the American automobile industry in the late 1980s.
The impact of his revolutionary ideas has been compared to those of Copernicus, Darwin and Freud. Others have referred to him as the father of the third phase of the Industrial Revolution.
He was a visionary, whose tireless quest for the “truth” and unwavering belief in "continual improvement" led to a set of transformational theories and teachings that changed the way we think about quality, management and leadership. Throughout his career, he remained a gentleman devoted to family, supportive of colleagues and friends, and always true to his word and beliefs.
Hmmm. W. Edwards Deming is late, but his impact still affects everyone today.
How do you want to be remembered?
Sunday, 5 July 2015
PR and it's Importance - by #ThePRman
Summary of the twitter tips #PRforyou
PR and it's Importance - by #ThePRman
Every organisation, no matter how large or small, ultimately depends on its reputation for survival and success.
Customers, suppliers, employees, investors, journalists and regulators can have a powerful impact.
They all have an opinion about the organisations they come into contact with - whether good or bad, right or wrong.
These perceptions will drive their decisions about whether they want to work with, shop with and support these organisations.
In today's competitive market, reputation can be a company's biggest asset – the thing that makes you stand out from the crowd and gives you a competitive edge.
Effective PR can help manage reputation by communicating and building good relationships with all organisation stakeholders.
Public Relations is about reputation - the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you.
Public Relations is the discipline that looks after reputation, with the aim of earning understanding and support and influencing opinion and behaviour.
It is the planned and sustained effort to establish, maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics.
'Organisation' can be a government body, a business, a profession, a public service or a body concerned with health, culture, education - indeed any corporate or voluntary body large or small.
'Publics' are audiences that are important to the organisation.
Public include customers - existing and potential; employees and management; investors; media; government; suppliers; opinion-formers.
'Understanding' is a two-way process. To be effective, an organisation needs to listen to the opinions of those with whom it deals and not solely provide information.
Issuing a barrage of propaganda is not enough in today's open society.
Hope This benefits you and your business?
You can connect #thePRman via IG/Twitter: @damioladehin
Call/Whatsapp: +234 802 303 8584
#BrunchWithTosyn Goes Live Today
The most anticipated gathering event of the year #BrunchWithTosyn where Guests will leave with great tips and a goody bag courtesy; House of Tara and SPEECHgirl. and the major part of the event you wouldn't want to miss is the session with Alibaba.
#BrunchWithTosyn hosted by the multi media personality Tosyn Bucknor
holds today Sunday July 5th, 2015 at Fab Lounge, Oduduwa Street, Ikeja at 1pm.
You can still register, send an email to brunchwithtosynbucknor@gmail. com or Whatsapp 07038128568.
LAFUP. Where is he?
Some people have asked us about the where about of the funny, creative and energetic Mc/Comedian LAFUP who Co-hosts the family reality show #MaltinaDanceAll. A co-host with Alibaba on NigeriaInfoFM 99.3, the host of #LafupLive (the most popular comedy show in Ibadan City) and the most entertaining MC of #StarMusicTrek.
Well, the funny man is presently in United States of America for a brief tour, handling some shows, featuring in some lovely projects, and also as Wedding Mc for some couples. His coming back to Nigeria will be with a lot of great swag.
Lafup will be in the States till the end of July 2015, and you can catch up with his activities on his social media platforms.
Instagram: @lafupcfr
Twitter: @lafup
Facebook: lafup live
Watch this place for more update on this extraordinary funny man. Cheers.
Friday, 3 July 2015
WATCH IT! Advice from a man of experience
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Thursday, 2 July 2015
Ibadan Finest Comedians vs T.H.U.G in a Football Match (return leg)
The return leg of most talked about football match between T.H.UG and Ibadan Comedians would make feel the other parts of some people if thy weren't doing what they are doing as their job.
July 19th by 4:00pm
@ FunPlanet Pitch, Oluyole Estate, SharpCorner, Ibadan.
Check out some of the moments at the last leg of the match, where TheComedians won. This time the two sides are not "smiling". Lol
The T.H.U.G (This House Under God)
The Ibadan Comedians
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