Tuesday 9 August 2016


Nothing can be compared to a well-thought campaign, that can sustain the test of times in this complex competitive society. Here are few but powerful tips to take note of. Ask the questions before you set out.

As a team that is ready to take the market share, take time to answer the questions before you set out;

1. Who is our target audience and what are our goals?

2. What is the best message for that audience?

3. In light of our goals, which strategies within the Promotion Mix - advertising, direct marketing, direct selling and publicity - should we use to communicate the messages?

4. What Marketing Collateral and creative should we create and transmit, based on the answers to the prior questions?

5. What are best online and offline channels for that strategy to reach that audience?

6. How can we measure the results based on which metrics are relevant to each strategy within the Promotion Mix that we will use?

Answer and waste no time. Launch and follow up.

All the best.

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