Saturday 16 July 2016

Steve Harris Story (Uncut)

A man that has influenced me from the day I heard about him is Steve Harris. I can't tell more, but from this story of his grass to grace, you would definitely learn about his term #RuthlessExecution

He posted this on facebook with these pictures, and here it is. With his permission for me to post. (UNCUT).

Enjoy and get inspired.

I just wanted to thank you for your continued support and belief in me!
Look at these pics... and see the story behind them below.
- Steve

These photos feel like world's apart.
In the photo on the top, I was broke. I had just had our baby girl a few months after I quit my corporate job to start my dream of becoming a writer, trainer and eventual Thought Leader.
It was only five years ago.
No one knew me. I didn't know how to write or publish a book. I had to teach myself to build websites and do online marketing. I was writing my book on two paint buckets and using my wife's LaserJet printer to send out proposals to corporate clients.
One night, my wife, baby and I slept in my car overnight because the house was too hot and we didn't have fuel to power the air conditioner with the generator.
It broke my heart, and it forced me to make an all-or-nothing decision:
I was either going to become a successful consultant and coach and find a way to my vision through any obstacle, until I ended up successful... or I was going to die trying, after exhausting myself trying to improve our lives and follow my dreams.
I decided I was not going to waste my days wondering "what if" or marching to the beat of other people's drums;
I decided I must change the situation and chase my greatness with more focus and intensity;
I decided to think bigger, to stop letting my small business make me small-minded;
I decided to fight for my passion and amplify my voice into the world so that I might make a greater difference;
I decided not to worry about the critics and instead give my whole heart and effort to those who wanted positivity and progress in life;
And that leads to the bottom photos.
The man on the stage is the same guy, driven by a fierce desire to live intentionally, make a difference and chase his greatness.
And yes, I've grown some facial hair along the way (you like?)
My daily routine is still the same: writing, speaking, recording, pouring out my soul, trying to figure out how to say things that help and inspire people.
I've realized that what it took me to get here is the least required to keep me here.
All that has changed, really, is the venue and the platforms and the fans.
As of today, I've been mentioned as one of the Top 100 Business Coaches To Follow On Twitter 4 times! I've been featured in international magazines like The Economist and Slate Magazine UK
My books From College Dropout To Corporate Sellout (pictured above) and From Friend To Fiancee have sold over 11000 physical copies.
My online courses and live events have consistently sold out (thank you, Jesus) and I even had a small cameo on a TV show.
My podcast on iTunes is ranked #15 globally in the Training Category.
Now I share stages and swap phone calls with many amazing and successful individuals... and, finally, I don't have to sleep in the car with my wife and baby or watch my family struggle.
You made all that happen because you let a regular fella like me chase my greatness and you cheered me on and shared my work.
At the beginning, there were just a few believers in me, five or ten. And then there were fifty. Then a hundred, then now. several thousands, and as I just stayed consistent for five years every single day with full faith and joy and a dedication to excellence and service... well, here we are.
And so I say this to you,
Never limit the vision you have for your life based on your current circumstances or competencies.
You are more powerful, imaginative, and strong than you imagine.
I had no reason to believe that I could one day live my dream as a writer, speaker and coach; no reason to believe, except that my heart told me that this was my path, and faith said all the struggle and the hardship and the toil would one day be worth it.
Please, believe in your heart and mission no matter what, no matter how small it all feels now.
The journey to chasing your greatness begins the moment your desire for ease and comfort is overpowered by our drive for challenge and contribution.
Don't forget that growth and greatness often come from those seemingly endless, fruitless days and nights of faith and discipline.
Keep working, don't stop, believe.
- Steve

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